Self-Defense in Your Defense Case
Representing the Wrongly Accused for Using Self-Defense
Self-defense is a type of criminal case defense that seeks to excuse the defendant's violent acts because the use of force was necessary for protection. This includes both injuring and killing someone in self-defense. Legally a person has a right to protect themselves if they believe they are in danger of being harmed and they use no more force than is necessary for protection.
Gun laws in this state also make it legal for a person keep a gun for self-defense. If the gun owner believes their life or property is in danger, they can use a gun to protect themselves.
If you have been charged with a violent crime, a competent Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer can review your case to determine if self-defense can be used as a defense strategy.
This includes cases involving:
Is Self-Defense Possible in Your Case?
Self-defense can be used as a defense in many different types of violent crime cases, including murder if a person felt it was absolutely necessary because their own life was in imminent danger. It cannot however, be used if the person had an honest but unreasonable belief (imperfect self-defense) that they were in danger of bodily harm.
Brown Law Offices can discuss your charges and evaluate whether or not self-defense is a possible defense in your case. Our office has many years of prosecution experience and knows how to fight the accusations against you using self-defense as a reason for your actions.
Contact Brown Law Offices if you have been charged with a violent crime to discuss your case and the use of self-defense.