Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney
A History of Success Hundreds of Successful Verdicts For Our Clients

Brown Law Offices Case Results

Successful Las Vegas Criminal Cases

June 2017

  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. M. N.: Client had suspended jail sentence for domestic violence and picked up a new domestic violence in municipal court. State sought to impose jail time in previous conviction and city charged client with domestic violence second (2nd) seeking jail time for new offense. Brown Law Offices hired and was able to get new domestic violence dismissed and no jail time imposed on underlying state case.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. S. B.: Client charged with felony child abuse. Case in warrant status for over eight (8) years and client resided out of state. After Brown Law Office was retained, warrant was recalled and felony was dismissed. Case resolved to misdemeanor disorderly conduct with payment of small fine and case was closed.
  • JUNE 2017 CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS V. R. P.: Client arrested for trespass. Client resided out of state. Case resolved to a dismissal with payment of small fine without client having to appear.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. F. B.: Tourist charged with soliciting prostitution for allegedly propositioning undercover detective. Case resolved to where client earned a dismissal upon forfeiture of two hundred dollars ($200) cash bail and completing online counseling.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. A. N.: Client charged and arrested for assault on a police officer. Client lived out of state. Defense resolved case to dismissal upon forfeiture of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350) and client did not have to return to court.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. H. L.: Client charged with five (5) felony counts of possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell and possession of a controlled substance. Case resolved to where all felonies were dismissed and client plead guilty to a reduced misdemeanor charge with fine and counseling as conditions. No additional jail time.
  • JUNE 2017 CITY OF HENDERSON V. M. M.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Police photographed injuries to spouse and client admitted to striking spouse. Following negotiations, case resolved to earn possible dismissal of all charges upon completion of anger management class, stay out of trouble, and community service.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. T. D.: Client charged with felony battery by prisoner for beating up cell mate resulting in transport to hospital. Defense investigation revealed combat was in self-defense. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. R. T.: Client charged with multiple felony counts of child abuse and neglect. Following extensive defense investigation, all charges were dismissed upon completion of counseling.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. D. R.: Client charged with felony battery with substantial bodily harm, and when contacted, had been in warrant status for seven (7) years. Following defense motions and litigation, client had bench warrant quashed, no jail time and all counts dismissed upon payment of restitution.
  • JUNE 2017 CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS V. R. T.: Client charged with Battery domestic violence. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA. V. R. W.: Client charged with felony battery domestic violence with a weapon by stabbing her mother and brother with a knife. Following defense investigation, mental health, and competency issues case resolved to where all felony charges reduced to two (2} misdemeanors and no additional jail time. Client’s only requirements were to stay out of trouble and attend counseling.
  • JUNE 2017 NEVADA V. N. N.: Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Client had prior similar matters in background. Case resolved to all charges being dismissed once she completed court sponsored prostitution awareness classes.

May 2017

  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. T. S.: Client charged with battery domestic violence by biting, choking and battering girlfriend. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. D. A.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Charge dismissed after completion of online class and community service.
  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. G. C. R.: Client charged with trafficking more than two (2} kilos of methamphetamine. All charges dismissed.
  • MAY 2017 USA V. F. S.: Client charged with smoking methamphetamine on federal land. Case dismissed after completion of community service.
  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. Y. D.: Client charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Client accused of pointing a firearm at another person during a traffic dispute. Case reduced to misdemeanor disorderly conduct after completion of anger management class and community service.
  • MAY 2017 CITY V. C. B.: Client charged with battery domestic violence for striking husband in head and leaving visible injuries. Client admits to committing act to police. Case dismissed with no requirements.
  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. J. A.: Client had lengthy history of drug, alcohol, and theft. Client was charged with felony grand larceny on videotape at upscale department store. Case resolved to misdemeanor and fine with no additional jail time.
  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. M. M.: Client is a college graduate with no prior arrest. Client was at strip nightclub and caught with cocaine and charged with felony possession of a controlled substance. Case resolved charges dismissed upon payment of cash bail amount and online drug class.
  • MAY 2017 CITY V. J. G.: Client charged with DUI and failure to maintain lane. Client was witnessed by an off- duty officer, followed and pulled over. Client's breath test was over .08. Case reduced to reckless driving with requirements and a fine.
  • MAY 2017 NEVADA V. B. A.: Client on probation and in warrant status for over fifteen (15} years. Client extradited back to Nevada with state seeking revocation of probation and prison term. Client had multiple prior felony convictions. Following defense motions, client was able to be released from custody and case was closed. Client was discharged from probation with no additional jail time.

April 2017

  • APRIL 2017 NEVADA V. N. N.: Client charged with four (4) cases with prostitution related offenses. All charges dismissed.
  • APRIL 2017 NEVADA V. S. J. AND J. H.: Clients charged with felony child abuse. Charge reduced to misdemeanor giving false information to a police officer with payment of small fine and parenting classes.
  • APRIL 2017 NEVADA V. T. S.: Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Case dismissed with online class and payment of small fine.
  • APRIL 2017 NEVADA V. C.H.: Client charged with DUI. Case reduced to reckless driving.

March 2017

  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. R. M.: Client charged with three (3) felony counts of conspiracy to violate the uniform controlled substance act, sale of a controlled substance, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell. Case resolved to dismissal of felonies and charges reduced to one misdemeanor with a fine and community service. No additional jail time.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. B. M.: Client charged with trafficking a controlled substance, cocaine a felony requiring mandatory prison time. Case reduced to misdemeanor.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. R. N.: Client charged in child welfare petition with domestic violence. Petition dismissed.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. J. H.: Client charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Case dismissed after completion of an online class and paying a small fine.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. G. B.: Juvenile client charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Charges dismissed. Client was warned and released.
  • MARCH 2017 CITY V. P. R.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. L. M.: Client charged with felony for stealing eight-hundred and fifty (850) dollars, worth of spa services from local casino. Case dismissed after payment of fine, restitution and community service.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. F. L. R.: Client had three (3) prior felony drug convictions and charged with multiple felony counts of large trafficking a controlled substance including nearly two (2) kilograms of heroin which carries a life sentence. Following defense motions and investigation client was sentenced to nineteen to forty-eight (19-48) months in prison with almost three hundred {300) days for credit for time served.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. M. C.: Client charged with battery domestic violence for battering spouse. Case dismissed.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. R. L.: Client charged in an arrest warrant from 2013 with second (2nd) degree kidnapping and domestic violence strangulation. Warrant quashed and felony dismissed with resolution to misdemeanor charge with online counseling and fine with no additional jail time.
  • MARCH 2017 NEVADA V. Z. H.: Juvenile client charged with felony conspiracy to commit robbery, robbery with a deadly weapon, grand larceny auto, and possession of stolen property. State moved for certification. Case resolved to where certification withdrawn and case remained in juvenile system. Juvenile client placed on probation

February 2017

  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. L.A.: Client charged with battery domestic violence third {3rd) offense for slapping girlfriend in front of witnesses. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. E.B.: Client charged in juvenile court with selling a controlled substance on school property. Case resolved to dismissal upon completion of requirements.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. J.M.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed following completion of online counseling and fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. P. C.: Client charged with dui of alcohol with blood alcohol content in access of .08. Case resolved to where DUI was dismissed and reduced to reckless driving upon completion of various requirements.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. J.P.: Client charged with malicious destruction of property by breaking slot machine in casino. Case dismissed following payment of restitution and fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. J. A.: Juvenile client arrested for multiple counts of battery domestic violence and also a suspect in residential burglary on video. Case resolved to where the district attorney agreed not to file burglary charges and permitted the battery domestic violence charge dismissed upon completion of three (3) months of probation.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. F. R.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving manufacturing methamphetamine, transporting a controlled substance, and possession of methamphetamine. Client in warrant status for almost four (4) years. Client also had prior drug felony conviction and multiple arrests. Upon defense motion, warrant recalled and quashed without client's presence. Case resolved to probation.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. D. N.: Client charged with attempted robbery and caught on video surveillance committing the act. Client had significant record. Case resolved to where felony dismissed and received additional sixty {60) days in jail and case closed.
  • FEBRUARY 2017 NEVADA V. C. J.: Client charged for soliciting undercover officer. Client lived out of state. Case resolved to where client did not have to appear and matter was dismissed upon completion of online aids awareness class and forfeiting cash bail.

January 2017

  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. D. M.: Client charged with murder with use of a deadly weapon for stabbing relative in back with a knife. Following defense investigation, all felonies, including murder charge were dismissed. Client pled guilty to two (2) misdemeanors and was released from jail immediately with counseling and stay out of trouble requirement. No additional jail time imposed.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. M.P.: Client arrested for possessing drugs without a prescription and DUI. Case resolved to reckless driving with minimal requirements.
  • JANUARY 2017 CITY V. C. C.: Client charged with beating up elderly sister. Case dismissed following online anger management classes and forfeiting cash bail.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. C. P.: Juvenile client arrested for having loaded firearm, extra magazine and knife on middle school campus grounds. All felonies dismissed and charge reduced to gross misdemeanor and Minor released on probation.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. D. S.: Client arrested on Las Vegas Boulevard strip for concealing loaded Glock forty (40) caliber gun with an extended magazine, extra magazine along with gloves and ski mask. Case reduced to two (2) misdemeanors with a fine. No jail time or probation.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. P. Z.: Client arrested for carrying a concealed firearm who was an ex-felon with seven (7) prior felony convictions. Client placed on probation with conditions.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. K. W.: Juvenile client charged with forty-five (45) counts involving sexual assault with victim under fourteen (14), lewdness with child under fourteen (14), open and gross lewdness and indecent exposure. Case resolved to where all felonies dismissed and minor adjudicated to gross misdemeanor on probation with no detention time or commitment to youth facility.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. M. B.: Client charged with eight (8) felony counts for theft of over $10,000 in public assistance. All felony charges dismissed and client received gross misdemeanor with probation. No jail time.
  • JANUARY 2017 CITY V. I. P.: Client charged with aggressive driving and evading a police officer. Charged reduced to illegal parking and small fine.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. E. T.: Client charged with DUI, speeding, failure to signal, and following too close. Charged reduced to reckless driving upon completion of requirements. No jail time.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. B. M.: Client charged with trafficking a controlled substance. Charges reduced to misdemeanor. Case closed.
  • JANUARY 2017 CITY V. L. G.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. A. S.: Client charged with DUI. Charge reduced to reckless driving after completion of requirements. No jail time.
  • JANUARY 2017 NEVADA V. R. L.: Juvenile arrested for felony open and gross lewdness. Case resolved to where case was completely dismissed upon three (3) months of stay out of trouble period with counseling, apology letter, and essay

December 2016

  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. C. C.: Client served with petition for guardianship of her children based on allegations of abuse and neglect. Petition dismissed and client retained custody of children following hearing.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. K. F.: Client charged with child abuse after child sustained significant injuries. Charge reduced to a seat belt violation with parenting classes and a small fine.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. C. J.: Client charged with two (2) felony nonsufficient funds counts and in warrant status. Warrants were recalled and case dismissed upon payment of restitution.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. L. J.: Client charged with possession of stolen firearm after police executed search warrant on client’s room. Felony case dismissed and case reduced to misdemeanor with requirements.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. C. A: Client arrested for felony carrying a concealed weapon and possession of stolen firearm. During search police seized nearly $10,000 in cash. Felonies dismissed with fine and counseling imposed. No jail time. Motion to return seized cash granted.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. T. H.: Client charged with felony battery domestic violence with strangulation and a misdemeanor domestic violence. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. R. M.: Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Case dismissed upon payment of nominal fine and community service hours.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. S. S.: Client charged with DUI third (3) offense which involves mandatory prison. Case resolved to where client entered a diversionary program and if successfully completes program case can be reduced to a misdemeanor DUI second (2) with no jail or prison time.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. D. A.: Client charged with two (2) felony counts of battery domestic violence with a weapon for stabbing victim and separate charge for assault with a deadly weapon for swinging knife at another victim. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2016 CITY V. E. T.: Client charged with misdemeanor battery. Case dismissed following completion of online impulse control class and forfeiting of cash bond.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. A. P.: Client charged with two (2) felony counts of theft and passing bad check with intent to defraud. All charges dismissed and client released from custody after restitution was paid in full.
  • DECEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. D. R.: Client charged with minor in gaming establishment and possession of false identification. Case resolved to dismissal upon forfeiting two hundred and fifty (250) dollars.

November 2016

  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. D. H.: Client charged with burglary while in possession of a firearm. Client was identified in a photo lineup and videotape of store security footage appeared to match client’s description. Client also had prior robbery convictions resulting in prison sentence. Following defense investigation, serious questions regarding the identification of the suspect were raised. Case resolved where all felonies were dismissed and client plead guilty to misdemeanor charge disorderly conduct with credit for time served and released from custody.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. J. P.: Juvenile client charged with five (5) separate counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon for brandishing a knife and threatening to stab other juveniles as well as possession of dangerous weapon on school property. Case resolved to where minor was placed on probation and released from custody. Following completion of probation, all felonies dismissed and case reduced to misdemeanor and closed.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. M. B.: Client charged with felony child abuse and unlawful taking of a vehicle. Case resolved to where felonies were dismissed and client plead no contest to two (2) misdemeanors with community service. No jail time.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. J. S.: Client charged with burglary, conspiracy to burglary, and possession of burglary tools. Client had prior bank robbery conviction. Client was also serving a six (6) month sentence on an unrelated case. Case resolved to all felonies dismissed and plead to misdemeanor petit larceny. Client was sentenced to concurrent jail time to where no additional jail time was imposed on this case.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. N. K.: Client arrested for trafficking ecstasy and possession of cocaine. Drugs found on client’s person. All felony charges dismissed. Client pled to misdemeanor drug charge with a fine, counseling and community service with no additional jail time.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. C. B.: Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Client resided out of state. Case was dismissed without having to return to jurisdiction upon forfeiting five hundred (500) dollars cash bail.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA. V. S. R.: Client charged with felony possession of cocaine. Client was a tourist arrested at strip nightclub with cocaine on his person. Case dismissed upon payment of a fine and completion of an online drug class.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA. V. R. S.: Client was a tourist arrested in strip nightclub for trafficking a controlled substance. Client possessed of over four (4) grams of cocaine. Case resolved to dismissal of all charges upon completion of drug class and payment of small fine.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. K. A.: Client charged with soliciting prostitution for allegedly propositioning an undercover police officer for sex. Client resided out of state. Case resolved to dismissal upon forfeiture of cash bail.
  • NOVEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. B. P.: Client had two cases one of which involved burglary and conspiracy. The other case involved burglary, grand larceny and attempted grand larceny. Client in warrant on both cases prior to retaining firm. Case resolved, one (1) felony case dismissed and client placed on probation on other case. If client successfully completes probation she can withdraw plea from felony and get gross misdemeanor with credit for time served.

October 2016

  • OCTOBER 2016 NEVADA V. R. D.: Client charged with DUI. Case reduced to reckless driving after completion of requirements.
  • OCTOBER 2016 CITY V. R. K.: Client charged with misdemeanor battery. Client was in warrant status and out of the country when warrant was quashed. Case dismissed upon forfeiture of cash bail with client not having to return.
  • OCTOBER 2016 NEVADA V. T. H.: Client charged with child abuse and endangerment. Case dismissed following payment of nominal fine and proof of online parenting class.
  • OCTOBER 2016 NEVADA V. N. V.: Client charged with seventeen (17) felony counts involving burglary, theft, and using a credit card without consent. Case resolved to client having to having all felonies dismissed, pleading guilty to a gross misdemeanor, and released from custody. Case closed with no probation upon payment.

September 2016

  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. R.M.: Client charged with three (3) felonies including conspiracy to violate uniform control act, sale of a controlled substance, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell. Case reduced to where felonies were dismissed and client plead to reduced misdemeanor charge, with a fine and community service. No jail or probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. J.C.: Client charged with felony burglary and uttering a forged credit card in Henderson Justice Court. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. E.B.: Juvenile client charged with selling drugs at a middle school. Case reduced to misdemeanor and to be dismissed following completion of juvenile probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with trespass for being disorderly and boisterous at Wet Republic pool party and refused to leave following demands by security. Case dismissed without client having to travel from out of state upon completion of online alcohol class and forfeiting two hundred and fifty dollars. (250).
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. R. H.: Client charged with battery domestic violence for grabbing and shaking girlfriend in presence of multiple eye witnesses. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. A. T.: Client charged with giving false information to a police officer. Case dismissed after payment of small fine.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. T. J.: Client charged with felony child abuse for allowing weapons and drugs which were in her home and accessible to her three (3) minor children. Client received gross misdemeanor and probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. J. M.: Juvenile client charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Case dismissed after significant investigation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 CITY V. I. M.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed after payment of small fine and online class.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. M. O.: Client charged with driving under the influence. Case reduced to reckless driving.
  • SEPTEMBER 2016 NEVADA V. A. M.: Juvenile client charged with battery domestic violence. Client warned and released without having to appear in court.

August 2016

  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. H.M.: Tourist client caught with cocaine in a strip nightclub. Case resolved to dismissal of all charges upon payment of fine and online drug classes.
  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. D.O.: Client charged with embezzlement for over ten thousand dollars from funeral home. Client had multiple prior felony convictions. Case resolved to gross misdemeanor and credit for time served with no jail or probation upon payment of restitution.
  • AUGUST 2016 CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS V. S. I.: Client charged with battery domestic violence for striking wife in front of eye witness. Client has previous arrest for battery domestic violence. Case resolved to possible dismissal upon completion of counseling, payment of fine, and community service.
  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. C. D.: Client charged with stealing merchandise and submitting false time cards to employer. Case dismissed upon payment of restitution.
  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. J.M. Client charged with battery domestic violence for striking wife in the face and leaving visible bruises. Case resolved to dismissal following completion of counseling, community service, and payment of fine.
  • AUGUST 2016 CITY V. P.P. Client accused of battering her husband. Case to be dismissed upon completion of counseling and minimal requirements.
  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. J. B. Client charged with punching his girlfriend in the face. Case dismissed.
  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. C. S. Client charged with battery for striking security officer at a hotel casino. Case was dismissed after completion of an online class and payment of a fine.
  • AUGUST 2016 NEVADA V. C.W. Client charged with battery domestic violence for biting spouse. Defense investigation revealed client acted in self-defense. Case dismissed.

July 2016

  • JULY NEVADA V. E.H. AND R.G. Clients charged with separate multiple felony forgery charges of a credit card at a casino. Case resolved to misdemeanor resolution with fine and counseling, no added jail time and felonies were dismissed.
  • JULY 2016 NEVADA V. C.M. Client charged with three (3) drug felony charges for conspiracy to violate controlled substance act and two (2) counts of possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, methamphetamine and cocaine. Drugs were discovered during execution of search warrant. Case reduced to misdemeanor with felonies dismissed with community service and drug counseling class. No additional jail time was imposed.
  • JULY NEVADA V. S. C. Client charged with felony theft and accused of stealing thousands of dollars from her employer. Case dismissed without any admission after paying restitution.
  • JULY NEVADA V. A.R. Client cited for possession of marijuana and possession of narcotic paraphernalia. Was able to intervene with juvenile intake and case was closed without being forwarded to court.
  • JULY 2016 NEVADA V. J. L. Client from out of state charged with battery of a female at a strip night club. Case dismissed upon forfeiture of cash bail without client having to travel back for any court appearances.
  • JULY 2016 NEVADA V. R.D. Client charged with assault with a deadly weapon for threatening female roommate with a machete and was in possession of over two (2) grams of methamphetamine. Client had multiple prior felony convictions. Case resolved felony dismissed, plead to a lesser misdemeanor drug charge with community service.
  • JULY 2016 NEVADA V. A.C. Client charged with assault with a deadly weapon for threatening pregnant girlfriend with a knife. Case dismissed.
  • JULY 2016 CITY V. A.C. Client member of armed forces, arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Case reduced to reckless driving upon completion of requirements.
  • JULY 2016 CITY V. N.M. Client registered nurse no prior record charged with battery domestic violence against live in boyfriend who had visible injuries. Upon defense investigation client had been victim of chronic domestic violence and alleged victim a record for drugs and weapons offenses. Client claimed self-defense. Information presented to city attorney and case was dismissed with prejudice.
  • JULY 2016 NEVADA V. B.B. Client charged with possession of Xanax and Seroquel. Client had extensive history of drug convictions. Case reduced to misdemeanor with online counseling and small fine.

June 2016

  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. T.K. Client charged with misdemeanor battery. Case dismissed following counseling for PTSD.
  • JULY 2016 NEVADA V. M.B. Client visiting from United Kingdom charged with trespass. Case dismissed without client having to appear upon forfeiture of minimal cash bail.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. P.M. Juvenile client charged with armed robbery involving use of a firearm and box cutter and robbing a pizza delivery person. State moved to certify and try him as an adult. Case resolved where the minor remained in juvenile court and placed on probation with various conditions.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. S.G. Client charged with felony intimidating a police officer with threat or physical force. Case resolved to misdemeanor and client was released. No jail.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. R.L. Juvenile client charged with felony malicious destruction of property. Case dismissed after completion of requirements.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. G. E. Israel citizen charged with possession of cocaine at casino pool party. Case was dismissed following payment of fine and community service.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. J.G. Client charged with felony discharge of a firearm within a structure, felony coercion and battery domestic violence. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. K. R. Client charged with trespassing at strip casino. Case dismissed after payment of small fine.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. G.O. Client charged with battery domestic violence for striking his wife. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. T. N. Client charged with burglary, forgery, and theft relating to a fraudulent check. Charges reduced to misdemeanor with classes, fine and restitution.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. J. J. Client charged with discharging firearm in public area. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. D.S. Client charged with two (2) felonies involving fifty (50) illegal marijuana plant grow operation. Case reduced to misdemeanor and no jail time.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. D.P. Client charged with high level drug trafficking with cocaine which carries a minimum mandatory life sentence as well as mid-level drug trafficking of meth which carries a minimum mandatory two to fifteen (2-15) years. Client confessed to ownership of the drugs. Client received probation with no jail time.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. D.J. Client, who was a ten (10) time ex-felon, charged with deliberately running over pedestrian in the middle of a crowded street with multiple eye witnesses. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. D.A. Client charged with felony home invasion. Felony was dismissed and case was reduced to two (2) misdemeanors with counseling and other minimal requirements.
  • JUNE 2016 NEVADA V. G.T. Client charged with felony battery domestic violence with substantial bodily harm and felony coercion battery domestic violence. Case dismissed.

May 2016

  • MAY 2016 NEVADA V. J. P. Client charged with possession of dangerous weapon, brass knuckles. Case was in bench warrant status. Bench warrant was quashed and case was dismissed with credit for time served.
  • MAY 2016 CITY V. M.M. Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2016 CITY V. C.B. Client charged with battery domestic violence against husband. Case was dismissed.
  • MAY 2016 NEVADA V. N.A. Client cited for larceny from a person felony as a juvenile. Case resolved at intake level with stay out of trouble for sixty (60) days and stay away from victim for sixty (60) days then all charges will be dismissed.
  • MAY 2016 NEVADA V. J.D. Client charged with felony child abuse for biting infant child on the face. Charged reduced to gross misdemeanor with probation.
  • MAY 2016 NEVADA V. N.G. Client charged with battery with use of a deadly weapon and attempted robbery with use of a deadly weapon. Client was a heroin addict and accused of trying to take money at knifepoint. Client left driver’s license at the scene and was in warrant status. Warrant was quashed with no bail money required to be posted and client sent to impatient drug counseling with probation and the opportunity to get charge reduced to simple misdemeanor with successful completion of probation.
  • MAY 2016 NEVADA V. C.G. Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Case was dismissed upon completing and online aids awareness class and payment of nominal fine.
  • MAY 2016 NEVADA V. V.B. Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Case was dismissed upon completing an online aids awareness class and payment of nominal fine.

April 2016

  • APRIL 2016 CITY V. J. M. Client charged with battery domestic violence second (2) offense. Case reduced to disturbing of the peace with payment of fine and online class.
  • APRIL 2016 CITY V. L. R. Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed after small fine and online class.
  • APRIL 2016 NEVADA V. C. S. Client charged with check fraud. Case was in warrant status since 2011. Case resolved, warrant quashed and case dismissed without having to travel.
  • APRIL 2016 NEVADA V. S. W. Client charged with misdemeanor battery. Case was in warrant status since 2012. Warrant quashed and case dismissed upon completion of online class and payment of nominal fine.
  • APRIL 2016 NEVADA V. S. B. Client charged with battery domestic violence by punching wife in the face resulting in visible injuries. Case was dismissed.
  • APRIL 2016 NEVADA V. J. C. Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Case dismissed upon completion of online aids awareness class and forfeiture of two hundred and fifty dollars. ($250).
  • APRIL 2016 NEVADA V. A.P. Client charged with multiple counts of forgery with credit cards, burglary, and possession of personal identity information. Client had prior felony convictions for possession of fifteen (15) or more counterfeit access devices. Case resolved to probation with the opportunity to withdraw plea and reduce down to a gross misdemeanor if probation is completed successfully.
  • APRIL 2016 NEVADA V. M. T. Client accused of sexual assault of a minor child. Client was a prior registered sex offender. Assisted client through child welfare investigation. Allegations were unsubstantiated.

March 2016

  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. A.F. Client charged with battery domestic violence for grabbing and pushing girlfriend causing injury. Case dismissed with no requirements.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. M.D. Juvenile client with five (5) open cases and an active warrant with long standing drug problem. Placed on calendar and persuaded court to close all proceedings without any additional requirements or jail time.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. A.M. Client charged with trespass. Case dismissed after payment of small fine.
  • MARCH 2016 CITY V. J. F.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed after completion of counseling and payment of fine.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. N. M. Client being investigated by child protective services under suspicion of abuse and neglect. Assisted client through investigation process. Allegations unsubstantiated.
  • MARCH 2016 CITY V. S. J. Client charged with battery domestic violence for repeatedly striking husband in front of multiple witnesses in a casino which was also caught on video tape. Case resolved to online impulse control class and nominal fine, after which, case was dismissed.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. T.H. Client charged with attempted robbery with a firearm and battery with a deadly weapon. Case was dismissed.
  • MARCH 2016 CITY V. M.D. Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case resolved to simple battery with counseling and small fine.
  • MARCH 2016 CITY V. G. M. Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed with no requirements.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. D.W. Client is a six time felon and charged with aggravated stalking. Case resolved to two (2) misdemeanors, fine, counseling and no contact order. No prison or jail time following negotiations.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. M.W. Client charged with burglary, grand larceny, and possession of stolen property for stealing military gear, ballistic vest, magazines, and helmets valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). Case resolved to probation gross misdemeanor with no prison time or felony convictions.
  • MARCH 2016 NEVADA V. N.H. Client charged with burglary, home invasion and felony malicious destruction of property for deliberately crashing truck into residence. Client released on own recognize and given probation with the opportunity to reduce to gross misdemeanor if successfully completes probation.

February 2016

  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. E.L. Client charged with conspiracy to commit robbery and attempted armed robbery involving a firearm. Following defense investigation, defense uncovered information undermining accusers credibility. Based on that the district attorney agreed to misdemeanor disorderly conduct with possible dismissal if client stays out of trouble for three (3) months.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. F.L. Charged with battery domestic violence for punching girlfriend in the face resulting in visible injuries. Case dismissed following online impulse control counseling class.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 CITY V. R.M. Client charged with battery. Case dismissed with fine and online class.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 CITY V. J. S. Client charged with battery domestic violence. Incident occurred on Fremont Street with multiple witnesses. Charged was reduced to disturbing the peace after completion of impulse control class and small fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. A. D: Client charged with felony child abuse. Client accused of striking teenage daughter, pulling her hair, pinching and biting her. Case reduced to two (2) misdemeanors with counseling, alcohol classes and payment of fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. J. B. Client charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Charge was dismissed after payment of small fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 CITY V. J.M. Client charged with battery domestic violence for pushing girlfriend in presence of witnesses. Case resolved to reduction charge of disturbing the peace with small fine as only requirement.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. V.M. Client charged with soliciting undercover officer for sex. Following negotiations case dismissed upon completion of online aids class and payment of nominal fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 CITY V. L.S. Client charged arrested for battery domestic violence for assaulting wife and as well as assaulting bystanders and eye witnesses. All charges dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. C.J. Client charged with battery domestic violence for punching husband in the face in a crowded casino. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. W.L. Client charged with two (2) counts of felony possession of cocaine. Case dismissed following payment of fine and online drug counseling class.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. N.G. Client charged with two (2) counts of felony possession of cocaine and heroin. Client had significant criminal record. Case reduced to two (2) misdemeanors. Client sentenced to fine and drug counseling with no additional jail time.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. L.G. French citizen arrested in night club for possession of cocaine. Case dismissed without appearance in court with payment of fine and online drug counseling.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. S.M. Client charged with battery domestic violence repeatedly striking her husband in front of numerous eye witnesses resulting in visible injuries. Client also threatened to kill police officers. Client did not want to travel back to Nevada and had significant criminal record. Case reduced to simple misdemeanor battery with a five hundred ($500) dollar fine. Case closed.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 CITY V. T.L. Client charged with battery domestic violence by pulling wife’s hair, grabbing, pushing and slapping her in front of witnesses. Case dismissed following completion of one time online impulse control class, fine and stay out of trouble.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. D.R. Client charged with battery domestic violence for throwing bottle and striking girlfriend in the head resulting in visible injuries and grabbing her around the throat attempting to choke her in front of witnesses. Case resolved to possible dismissal upon completion of impulse control course.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. D.L. Client charged with four (4) counts of sale of a controlled substance in one case and felony possession with intent to sell in separate case. Case resolved under the 453.3363 statue which allows offenders to earn complete dismissal following successful completion of court requirements.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. D.B. Client charged with embezzlement by stealing from his employer on multiple occasions. Case dismissed following minimal requirements and stay out of trouble period.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. L.M. Client arrested for theft of scrap metal (category b felony punishable by one (1) to ten (10) years in prison) conspiracy and possession of burglary tools. Case reduced to misdemeanor possession of stolen property with community service and drug counseling.
  • FEBRUARY 2016 NEVADA V. J.G. Client charged with felony child abuse for biting infant child on face and leaving marks. Charge reduced to gross misdemeanor with probation and counseling. No jail.

January 2016

  • JANUARY 2016 NEVADA V. J.J. Client in warrant with probation violation for dirty drug test and failure to report to probation officer. Warrant quashed and client reinstated on probation.
  • JANUARY 2016 NEVADA V. H.B. Client charged with mid-level trafficking methamphetamine, which is mandatory two (2) to fifteen (15) years in prison. Two (2) baggies of methamphetamine were found on his person and client confessed. Client had multiple prior drug and theft convictions. Court ordered client probation with drug counseling as a condition.
  • JANUARY 2016 NEVADA V. C.B. Client charged with obstructing a police officer, failure to surrender driver’s license and various traffic offenses. Case reduced to parking citation with small fine.
  • JANUARY 2016 NEVADA V. A.M. Client charged with stealing multiple vehicles in one day and also was involved in an accident and fled the scene. Case reduced to gross misdemeanor and fine. No additional jail time.

December 2015

  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. T.H. Juvenile charged with third degree arson. Case resolved to probation and eventual dismissal.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. C.N. Client charged with conspiracy to commit robbery and robbery. Following litigation case dismissed on defense motion.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. C.G. Client charged with twelve (12) separate counts of selling heroin and cocaine to an undercover officer. Case was resolved to where client can get all charges dismissed and sealed upon completion of therapeutic Veterans court program.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. N.T. Client charged as Juvenile with multiple sex offense related counts including sex with a child under fourteen (14), lewdness with a child under fourteen (14), and open and gross lewdness. Case ultimately dismissed without any adjudication of guilt.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. A.K. Client on probation for violent felony who had been previously reinstated on probation. Client then charged with second violation of probation. Result was client reinstated on probation with thirty (30) days jail time in lieu of going to prison for five (5) years.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. R.A. Client charged with battery domestic violence for biting girlfriend on the face. Case dismissed following impulse control class.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. L.R. Client arrested and charged with soliciting prostitution and offering to pay money for sex from undercover police officer. Case dismissed following aids awareness class and forfeiting of 200 hundred dollars cash bail.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. J.A. Client charged with multiple felonies arising out of extensive marijuana grow operation involving sixty three (63) marijuana plants. Case is to be dismissed following successful completion of diversion program.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. M.Q. Child protective services (CPS) petition filed against client for failing to protect children from sexual abuse by father. Petition dismissed after completed counseling.
  • DECEMBER 2015 CITY V. P.G. Client charged with employee theft. Case dismissed after completion of fine, class and community service.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. A.S. Juvenile client charged with inappropriate touching of another student at school. Case dismissed after completion of counseling.
  • DECEMBER NEVADA V. L.O. Client charged with battery. Case dismissed after payment of small fine and completion of online class.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. V.G. Client charged with stealing over seventy thousand ($70,000) dollars from employer. Client received probation with no jail time.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. S.P. Client charged with burglary and forgery of credit cards two (2) counts. Case reduced to misdemeanor with fine.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. C.L. Client charged with felony battery with substantial bodily harm with domestic violence relationship. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. H.N. Client charged with battery domestic violence for scratching and biting her boyfriend during Las Vegas trip. Pictures taken showed visible bite marks along with substantial cuts. Following defense investigation it was uncovered that victim had prior acts of violence against client. Evidence presented to District Attorney who then agreed to dismiss charges.
  • DECEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. G.W. Client charged with felony possession of a concealed weapon for being in possession of loaded firearm. Felony dismissed and case was reduced to misdemeanor with fine. No jail time.

November 2015

  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. M.O.: Client was charged with felony battery with use of a deadly weapon for slashing victim with box cutters repeatedly. Case dismissed.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. B.F.: Client charged with burglary and battery domestic violence, third offense. Case dismissed.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with robbery and conspiracy charges. Client has had prior felony arrest. Case reduced to gross misdemeanor with probation.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 CITY V. B.C.: Client charged with domestic battery against his father. Sustained visual injuries noted including bite mark and multiple bruises. Case resolved to one anger management class and community service. Case to be dismissed upon completion of requirements.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. R.N.: Client was charged with obstructing an officer. Case dismissed following completion of an online class and nominal fine.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. J.L. Client arrested for trespass and unlawful use of 911. All charges dismissed with payment of small fine.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. G.L. Client arrested for trafficking a controlled substance and three (3) counts of possession of a controlled substance. Client giving credit for time served, case closed.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. C.O. Client was investigated by Child Protective Services (CPS) for drug exposed infant. Allegations unsubstantiated.
  • NOVEMBER 2015 NEVADA V. E.E. Client charged with battery and trespass. Case dismissed after completion of online class and community service.

October 2015

  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. L.V.: Client charged with felony theft for stealing seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500) from employer. Case reduced to misdemeanor with fine, community service, and counseling.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. L.K.: Client charged with minor in possession of alcohol. Case was dismissed after payment of eighty three (83) dollar fine.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. S.Y.: Client charged with battery with strangulation which is a felony with mandatory prison. The matter was reduced to a simple misdemeanor striking domestic violence negotiations.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. L.A.: Child protective services substantiated alleged emotional abuse of son. Hired to file an appeal on behalf of the mother. Substantiation overturned.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. J.C: Client charged with DUI, failure to maintain lane, speeding, and no driver’s license. Charges reduced to failure to exercise due care and parking citations with fines only. No jail or counseling.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. J.N.: Client charged with felony possession of marijuana over one (1) ounce felony, and felony conspiracy to violate controlled substance act. Charges reduced to misdemeanor drug possession and case was closed.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. M.H.: Client charged with two (2) counts of assault with a deadly weapon felony for pointing firearm during road rage incident. Charge was reduced to gross misdemeanor with probation.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. R.B.: Client charged with lewd behavior for exposing his penis in the presence of females on the Las Vegas strip. Case dismissed following completion of an alcohol awareness class and payment of nominal fine.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. T.S.: Child protective services substantiated abuse and neglect allegations against client for alleged mistreatment of child. Hired to file appeal on behalf of parents. Substantiation was overturned.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. L. P.: Client charged with trafficking cocaine. Client found in possession of seven (7) grams of cocaine along with digital scale. Client facing mandatory prison. After raising issues of validity of search, case resolved and felony was dismissed. Client pled no contest to misdemeanor drug charges and sentenced to fine and online drug class.
  • OCTOBER 2015- NEVADA V. V.S.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case was dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. T.G.: Client had two prior felony convictions for weapons and was charged with possession and intent to sell methamphetamine following execution of a search warrant. Resolved with client released from custody and given term of probation.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. A.K.: Client charged with two counts of possession with intent to sell marijuana for possessing over ten (10) pounds. Through negotiations and investigation defense was able to get client probation with reduction to gross misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation.
  • OCTOBER 2015 – NEVADA V. S.N.: Client charged with felony possession of marijuana over one (1) ounce felony, and conspiracy to violate controlled substance act. Charge reduced to misdemeanor with online counseling and community service
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. J.S.: Client arrested at Electric Daisy Carnival. Client had twenty four (24) capsules of ecstasy. Court ordered case dismissed following online drug class and five hundred dollar ($500) fine.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. A.S.: Client charged with three (3) counts of felony domestic violence with strangulation, attempted battery with a deadly weapon, and felony coercion. Investigation revealed victim had severe credibility issues and history of false accusations. Case was dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - CITY V. C.C.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed upon payment of small fine.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. B.C.: Client charged with felony possession of cocaine. Client was an out of a state tourist caught with possession of cocaine in a casino night club. Case dismissed upon completion of an online counseling class and payment of small fine.
  • OCTOBER 2015 - NEVADA V. J.B.: Client charged with five (5) counts of felony theft where client confessed and arrest warrant was issued. Warrant quashed and all felonies dismissed and case reduced to gross misdemeanor with credit for time served upon completion of payment of restitution.

September 2015

  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - CITY V. F.K.: Client charged with misdemeanor battery. Charge dismissed upon completion of impulse control class and forfeiture of cash bail.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. K.G.: Client originally charged with domestic violence for striking minor child. Case was dismissed following completion of online impulse control class.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. J. M.: Client charged with conspiracy to violate uniform act of controlled substance, possession of controlled substance and felony possession of controlled substance. Client was given probation and opportunity to earn reduction to misdemeanor upon completion of probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. A.D.: Client charged with robbery. Following preliminary hearing case was dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. E. M.: Client cited for minor in possession of alcohol and was in bench warrant status for nine years. Motion to quash bench warrant was granted and the case was dismissed upon payment of minimal fine. Client lived out of state and did not have to appear.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - CITY V. M.O.: Client charged with domestic battery. Following a defense investigation defendant presented city with substantial evidence of self-defense. City agreed to dismiss case with no requirements.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - CITY V. C.B.: Client charged with battery domestic violence and misdemeanor coercion. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. J.H.: Client charged with felony grand larceny. Case dismissed following payment of restitution and nominal fine.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. E.A.: Client had multiple prior felony convictions. Client charged with violation of probation. Court ordered reinstatement of probation with conditions.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. C.M.: Client originally charged with felony battery assault and domestic violence strangulation. Mandatory prison offense. Case resolved to dismissal of all charges upon completion of domestic battery course.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. A.G.: Client had multiple prior felony convictions and was charged with large trafficking of a controlled substance, GHB, which carried a minimum mandatory ten (10) to life sentence. Case reduced to transporting a controlled substance and client was given probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. M.H.: Prior to being retained, client had been convicted of juvenile sex offense and was on supervised release for almost five years. Warrant had been issued for his arrest. Warrant was quashed and case was closed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. A.D.: Client charged with attempted home invasion, possession of stolen vehicle. Client also facing probation violation revocation proceedings. Felony was dismissed. client plead to a misdemeanor obstructing an officer with ninety (90) days jail concurrent with other time client was serving.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. D.T.: Client was charged with felony conspiracy to violate control substance act and possession with intent to sell. Felony dismissed and reduced to misdemeanor with drug classes.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - CITY V. D.A.: Client charged with possession of marijuana. Case dismissed after drug counseling and eighty three (83) dollar forfeiture of cash bail.
  • SEPTEMBER 2015 - NEVADA V. C.T.: Client charged with grand larceny and possession of burglary tools. Client confessed and was caught in the act. Case reduced to misdemeanor petit larceny with a fine and petit larceny class.

August 2015

  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. B.J.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed upon completion of alcohol anonymous attendance.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. L.J.: Defendant charged with multiple felonies including attempted murder deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit murder, first degree kidnapping, armed robbery, and trafficking cocaine. Case dismissed.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. M.G.: Client charge with conspiracy to robbery and two counts of robbery. Case dismissed.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. J.C.: Client charged with soliciting prostitution. Case dismissed after payment of a small fine and completion of an online class.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. B.G.: Client charged with two separate burglaries and conspiracy. Client received boot camp and adjudicated a gross misdemeanor with credit for time served. All felonies dismissed.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. E.A.: Client charged with nine (9) felony counts including four counts of possession of a firearm, two counts of possession with intent to sell and possession of stolen firearm. Client had two prior felony convictions. Client was given probation.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. S.S.: Client charged with possession of marijuana. Case was dismissed following payment of minimal fine and online drug class.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. B.C.: Client charged with probation violation. Revocation hearing held and probation was reinstated.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. A.R..: Client originally charged with felony home invasion. Case was reduced to gross misdemeanor and probation.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. K.H.: Client charged with petit larceny for theft from target store. Case dismissed after payment of a small fine and online class.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. A.P.: Client was originally charged with two counts of robbery with a firearm client received negotiations of probation and reduction to gross misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation.
  • AUGUST 2015 - CITY V. C.M.: Client charged with possession of marijuana and jaywalking. Charges dismissed after payment of small fine.
  • AUGUST 2015 - CITY V. C.F.: Client charged with Driving under the Influence (DUI) and failure to maintain travel lane involving accident. The DUI was dismissed and the charge reduced to reckless driving.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. C B.: Client accused of striking girlfriend in face. Case dismissed without requirements.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVAD V. C.B.: Client charged with battery domestic violence with strangulation felony. Battery domestic violence for grabbing, striking, and strangling his girlfriend. Case dismissed. No requirements. No jail.
  • AUGUST 2015 - CITY V. C.B.: Client charged with obstructing an officer. Case dismissed upon completion of an online impulse control class and minimal fine.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. C.W.: Client charged with Driving under the Influence (DUI) and Open Container. Case negotiated to reductions to reckless driving upon successful completion of requirements.
  • AUGUST 2015 - NEVADA V. S.H.: Client arrested for possessing twenty six (26) pounds of marijuana. Client was originally charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell and transporting a controlled substance. Case resolved to simple possession of controlled substance with probation.
  • AUGUST 2015 – IN RE: CHILDREN OF C.L.: Client investigated by CPS on allegations of neglect and improper supervision. Investigation unsubstantiated.

July 2015

  • JULY 2015 - CITY V. C.M.: Client charged with battery of roommate. Following defense investigation revealing self- defense claims, City agreed to dismiss case with no further obligations or requirements.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. A.P.: Client charged with embezzling thousands of dollars from employer. Client previously had five felony convictions. Client was given probation with opportunity to reduce to misdemeanor if successfully completes probation.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. R. B.: Client charged with battery domestic violence. Case dismissed following completion of online impulse control class.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. M.N.: Client charged with Robbery, Conspiracy to Commit Robbery, and Battery of a Police Officer. Felonies were dismissed. Client plead to misdemeanor Battery and Petit Larceny and sentenced to community service and counseling. No additional jail time.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. S.H.: Client charged with four counts of felony Theft and one count of Unlawful Acts Regarding Computers related to employee theft allegation. Client accused of stealing approximately eight thousand dollar worth of goods and services. Case was reduced to one count of misdemeanor Theft. Client signed civil confession of judgment and matter closed.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. S.H.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon Domestic Violence with Substantial Bodily Harm for stabbing boyfriend in stomach resulting in massive internal injuries. Following investigation and research in self -defense claims felony charges dismissed and defendant plead to misdemeanor Battery Domestic Violence and was released from custody no additional jail time.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. C.H.: Client in warrant status for five felony bad check counts based on unpaid casino markers from July of 2000. Following motions and negotiation, warrant quashed and case dismissed.
  • JULY 2015 - NEVADA V. S.V.: Client charged with multiple counts of Sale of Controlled Substance and Possession with Intent to Sell involving multiple kilos of marijuana. Client had three prior drug related felony convictions. Charges reduced to simple possession and given probation.
  • JULY 2015 – NEVADA V. R.R.: Client charged with Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia. Case dismissed following payment of minimal fine and client drug class.
  • JULY 2015 – NEVADA V. B.C.: Client originally charged with twenty seven (27) counts involving Sexual Assault with a Minor and related charges. Following litigation multiple counts of Sexual Assault dismissed. Client ultimately accepted negotiation to plead to a gross misdemeanor with all felonies being dismissed and the State agreeing to recommend a term of probation.

June 2015

  • JUNE 2015 - NEVADA V. O.W.: Client charged with Second Degree Kidnapping, felony Battery Domestic Violence - Strangulation. Felony was dismissed client plead to misdemeanor Battery Domestic Violence with classes and no additional jail time.
  • JUNE 2015 - IN RE I.M.: Juvenile client charged with Attempt Burglary (felony), Battery Domestic Violence and Harassment. Adjudication deferred. Case dismissed after completion of counseling, classes and community service.
  • JUNE 2015 - NEVADA V. A.M.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence after throwing phone at wife and breaking her two front teeth. Case dismissed upon completion of requirements. No jail.
  • JUNE 2015 - NEVADA V. J.G.: Client charged with felony Child Abuse and felony Battery Domestic Violence by Strangulation. Case reduced to two misdemeanors with requirements. No jail.
  • JUNE 2015 - NEVADA V. M.T & S.L.: Clients in warrant for three years on felony Theft charge. Case was reduced to misdemeanor Petit Larceny with requirements.

May 2015

  • MAY 2015 - NEVADA V. Y.M.: Client charged with Burglary, Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Possession of Burglary Tools. Client had prior felony conviction. All felony charges dismissed. Client received gross misdemeanor and a term of probation.
  • MAY 2015 - NEVADA V. D.F.: Client charged with Robbery and event was captured on video surveillance. Felony dismissed. Case was resolved to Gross Misdemeanor with one year of informal probation.
  • MAY 2015 - NEVADA V. D.G.: Client charged with Felony Possession of Methamphetamine. Felony was reduced to misdemeanor and client was given credit for time served and released from jail.
  • MAY 2015 - NEVADA V. J.M.: Client charged with felony Burglary. Following negotiations, felony dismissed and reduced to two counts of disorderly conduct with fine and online counseling. No additional jail.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. G.D.: Client charged with felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon involving use of a firearm. Case reduced to misdemeanor with small fine and online class.
  • MAY 2015 – IN RE: D.G.: Client charged with felony Possession of Controlled Substance – Methamphetamine. Case reduced to misdemeanor drug possession with credit for time served.
  • MAY 2015 – IN RE: B.H.: Client charged with felony Possession of Stolen Vehicle. Charge reduced to misdemeanor Possession of Stolen Property with a $500.00 fine and restitution.
  • MAY 2015 – IN RE: D.M.: Juvenile client charged with felony Attempted Robbery with Use of a Deadly Weapon (2 counts), felony Battery with Deadly Weapon (2 counts), and Possession of Deadly Weapon. Client received probation and case was reduced to a gross misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. M.W.: Probation violation allegations against client for using Methamphetamine while seven (7) months pregnant. Probation reinstated.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. A.L.: Probation Violation allegations against Client with prior felony drug conviction and prior prison sentence. Violations included multiple dirty drug tests. Probation reinstated with in-patient drug treatment.
  • MAY 2015 - NEVADA V. A.S.: Client charged with probation violation. Following revocation hearing, Court ordered probation reinstated client released from jail.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. T.S: Client charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Case in warrant for over four (4) years. Warrant quashed without defendant having to appear in court. Case dismissed after forfeiting $250.00 and completing an online drug class.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. C.B.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence for striking fiancé. Incident caught on video at casino. Court ordered case dismissed following completion of impulse control class.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. R.G.: Client on probation for violent felony offense and had multiple prior felony convictions. Client charged with two (2) separate probation violations. Court ordered probation reinstated.
  • MAY 2015 – NEVADA V. T.L.: Client on felony probation and charged with multiple probation violations. Court ordered probation reinstated.

April 2015

  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. P.H.: Client charged with felony child abuse for striking sixteen (16) year old daughter and causing a black eye. Case dismissed after payment of a $450.00 fine and completion of anger management class.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. T.B.: Client charged with Drawing and Passing a Bad Check. Case dismissed following payment of restitution.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. B.B.: Defendant charged with felony Battery with Deadly Weapon for stabbing her boyfriend in the back with a knife. Defense was able to raise self-defense and prior violent actions by alleged victim and present that evidence to the State. Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. D.F.: Client charged with Robbery caught on videotape. Client had multiple prior felony convictions. Case reduced to Gross Misdemeanor and given one (1) year informal probation.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. P.T.: Defendant charged with two (2) separate batteries on two (2) separate casino security officers in two (2) separate incidents. Case dismissed following completion of online anger management and alcohol class.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. J.S.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence in case which victim had multiple visible injuries. Court ordered case dismissed once client completed online anger management class and forfeited $250.00 cash bail.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. S.M.: Client originally charged with felony controlled substance offense. Case had been in warrant over four (4) years. Defense able to get warrant quashed without having to appear and case dismissed after minimal requirements.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. A.O: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed, no requirements.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. O.M.: Defendant charged with 2 felony counts involving grand larceny and malicious destruction of property. After defense investigation, State agreed to dismiss all charges.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. M.G.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed, no requirements.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. J.L.: Client arrested for felony charges of Theft and Possession of Methamphetamine. Charge was based on employee of thousands of dollars from casino count room, which was caught on video. Client confessed. All felony charges dismissed. Case reduced to two misdemeanors with fine and community service. No jail.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. R.W.: Client charged with felony Drug Possession (Cocaine). Case dismissed after forfeiting $750 cash bail.
  • APRIL 2015 – NEVADA V. W.S.: Client Charged with Battery with Substantial Bodily Harm, Battery by Strangulation and Coercion. Client had multiple prior convictions for battery related offenses. Felony dismissed. Client received probation of gross misdemeanor with no jail. Charge reduced to simple misdemeanor Battery upon successful completion of probation.

March 2015

  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. S.L.: Defendant charged with Possession of Controlled Substance (Ecstasy) at Electric Daisy Carnival. Case dismissed after completion of online drug class and community service.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. S.S.: Client charged with Possession of Burglary Tools (gross misdemeanor) and Petty Larceny. Case dismissed after an online class and payment of a small fine.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. T.V.: Client charged with felony Grand Larceny for stealing ring valued at over $19,000.00. Ring recovered after defense investigation. Charge reduced to Petty Larceny with drug treatment and restitution to pawn shop.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. I.C.: Client charged with ten felonies, including Possessing Personal Identifying Information of Another, Burglary (2 Cts.), Att. Theft (2 Cts.) and Forgery of Credit Card (5 Cts.). Client received a gross misdemeanor and probation, with the only requirement being that he comply with ICE.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. N.M.: Client charged with Probation Violation after being placed on probation for Robbery offense. Court ordered Probation Reinstated.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. A.G & J.G.: Two co-defendants charged with twenty (20) felony counts for possession of forged credit cards. Clients were arrested at airport with eighty-one (81) forged credit cards. Clients received probation with only term being that they must comply with ICE.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. L.M.: Client charged with multiple life offense felony charges of Sexual Assault on Minor Under 14, Lewdness with a Minor Under 14 (11 Cts), Child Abuse and Open and Gross Lewdness. Client received probation with 30 days jail as term of probation. No prison.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. J.W.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. All criminal charges Dismissed.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. R.W.: Client charged with four (4) felonies, involving fraudulent use of credit card in casino. Client on parole from another state with active warrant from other jurisdiction for Possession of Machine Gun and Evading Police. Client released from custody and given probation.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. A.W.: Client charged in two separate cases from 2009 for Battery Domestic Violence and Petty Larceny. Cases were in warrant for five (5) years. Warrants quashed without client having to appear and cases dismissed.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. R.M.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed following online class and forfeiting $250 cash bail.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. G.D.: Client charged with felony Battery Domestic Violence by Strangulation. Case resolved to simple Misdemeanor Battery (no Domestic Violence) with fine, counseling and community services.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. J.A.: Client charged with battery on night club security officer. Case dismissed after forfeiting $500.00 cash bail.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. A.W.: Client charged with second probation violation. Probation reinstated.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. V.L.: Defendant was five (5) time felon charged with Robbery. Reduced to two (2) misdemeanors.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. M.W.: Client charged with Robbery and Conspiracy to Commit Robbery in casino. Case resulted in probation with opportunity for gross misdemeanor if successful on probation.
  • MARCH 2015 – NEVADA V. S.L.: Client charged with Possession of Controlled Substance for possessing multiple MDMA tablets (Felony). Case dismissed after online class and community service.

February 2015

  • FEBRUARY 2015 – CLIENT T.C.: Personal Injury action resolved to policy limits.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. J.B.: Client charged with Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell and Conspiracy to Violate Uniformed Controlled Substances Act (both Felonies). Case reduced to Misdemeanor Possession of Dangerous Drug with a fine, community service and an online class. No jail or prison.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. D.D.: Client charged with Driving under the Influence. Reduced to Reckless Driving with a fine and traffic school.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 - NEVADA V. T.H.: Client charged with Burglary, Forgery of Credit Card (2 Cts) and Attempt Theft. Case reduced to Gross Misdemeanor with a fine and community service. No jail or prison.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. K.H.: Battery. All criminal charges dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. B.F.: Soliciting Prostitution. All charges dismissed after payment of a small fine and an online class.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. T.C.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Charge reduced to Trespass with small fine and online class. If successful, all charges to be dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. E.I.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving 20 counts of Forgery of a Credit or Debit card and one count of Conspiracy to Commit Forgery (a gross misdemeanor). Reduced to two gross misdemeanors for Conspiracy to Commit Forgery and Conspiracy to Commit a Crime. Client sentenced to probation. No jail.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V.M.B.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving Burglary, Grand Larceny and Grand Larceny Auto. Reduced to misdemeanor Petit Larceny and sentenced to Petit Larceny counseling and a small fine. Case closed after completion of requirements.
  • FEBRUARY 2015 – NEVADA V.M.F.: Client charged with Trespass. Case dismissed after payment of a fine.

January 2015

  • JANUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. N.M.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed after payment of a fine.
  • JANUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. S.P.: Client was accused of stabbing her spouse during the course of an alleged Domestic Violence incident. Client was charged with Battery with Use of a Deadly Weapon Resulting in Substantial Bodily Harm Constituting Domestic Violence. All criminal charges were dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. D.I.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2015 – NEVADA V. M.W.: Client charged with Driving Under the Influence. Reduced to Reckless Driving and a fine. No classes required or jail. Case closed.

December 2014

  • DECEMBER - 2014 - NEVADA V. L.W.: Client charged with Domestic Battery. Case dismissed upon apology by client.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – CITY V. A.S.: Client charged with two counts of Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed after completion of online classes and community service. No jail.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. S.M.: Client charged with felony Theft. Case was dismissed upon payment of a fine. No jail.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. B.H.: Client charged with felony Battery Domestic Violence with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – IN RE: CHILDREN OF J.M.: CPS Child Abuse/Neglect investigation. No CPS Petition filed and client was not substantiated in the Child Abuse and Neglect Substantiation National Registry.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – IN RE: A.M.: CPS Child Abuse/Neglect investigation. No CPS Petition filed and client was not substantiated in the Child Abuse and Neglect Substantiation National Registry.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. A.L.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. All criminal charges dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – NEVADA. V.B.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed after completion of a class and forfeiture of $500 cash bail.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. J.W.: Client charged with Conspiracy to Commit Larceny, a Gross Misdemeanor. Reduced to misdemeanor Petit Larceny and sentenced to Petit Larceny counseling and a small fine.
  • DECEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. A.H.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving Possession of Credit/Debit Card without Cardholder's Consent, Burglary, Obtaining and Using Personal Identifying Information of Another, and Possession or Sale of Documents or Personal Identifying Information. Client put on probation and obtained a reduction to a gross misdemeanor after successfully completing probation.

November 2014

  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. A.H.: Client charged with misdemeanor Trespass. Case dismissed after payment of a small fine.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. R.V.: Client charged with felony Child Abuse/Neglect for burning a child with an iron. Reduced to two (2) misdemeanor counts of Contributory Neglect and sentenced to classes, community service and a fine. No jail.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. V.B.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed after completion of minimal requirements.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. A.A.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after completion of minimal requirements.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. L.N.: Client charged felony Child Abuse. Charge reduced to misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct with requirement to stay out of trouble and comply with CPS directives.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with Conspiracy to Violate Controlled substance Act and Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell. Client arrested during service of search warrant, in which a marijuana grow operation involving 33 plants. Reduced to a misdemeanor with a $500 fine. No jail. Felonies were dismissed.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. D.J.: Client charged with a Probation Violation. Court ordered probation reinstated.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – STATE V. K.T.: Client charged with two felonies involving 1st Degree Burglary and Possessing Documents/Personal Identifying Information to Establish False Identification. Reduced to two misdemeanors with a class and fine. No jail.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with Conspiracy to Commit Burglary. Case dismissed.
  • NOVEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. D.S.: Client charged with felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. Case dismissed.

October 2014

  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. S.E.: Client charged with felony Burglary and Attempt Theft. Reduced to misdemeanor Petit Larceny only and sentenced to counseling, community service, and a fine. No jail.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. J.V.: Client charged with Carrying a Concealed Weapon – Loaded Firearm (Felony) and Possession of a Controlled Substance. Reduced to a misdemeanor with fine and a drug class.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. D.K.: Client charged with 14 felonies involving Forgery, Burglary and Possession of False Documents. Sentenced to probation with the ability to reduce to a Gross Misdemeanor upon completion of probation.
  • October 2014 – CITY V. J.C.: Client charged with Petit Larceny. Case dismissed after diversion.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. T.R.: Client had two cases: Case #1 – Charged with two counts of Felony Burglary – 2nd Offense (mandatory prison). Reduced to two misdemeanors with a fine and class. No jail; Case #2 – Charged with Petit Larceny, Possession of Stolen Property and Obtaining Money/Property/Labor under False Pretense. Case was dismissed.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. R.W.: Client charged with felony Possession of Methamphetamine and Possession of Narcotics Paraphernalia. Client had two prior felony convictions. Reduced to a misdemeanor with a fine and drug class. No jail.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. M.D..: Client charged with two felonies involving Battery Domestic Violence with Strangulation and Coercion. Reduced to a misdemeanor with a class and fine. No jail or probation.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA v. R.W.: Client charged with felonies involving Robbery and Battery with Intent to Commit Robbery. Reduced to misdemeanor Attempt Theft. No Jail.
  • October 2014 – CITY V. R.L.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • October 2014 – CITY V. J.A.: Client charged with Obstructing an Officer and Assault. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2014 – NEVADA V. A.L.: Client charged with four felonies involving Burglary, Possession of Stolen Property, Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell, and Possession of a Controlled Substance. Defendant recently released from prison after a parole violation. Sentenced to probation.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. E.I.: Charged with felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Reduced to a misdemeanor and an impulse control class.
  • October 2014 – NEVADA V. J.G.: Client charged with Malicious Destruction of Private Property. Case was dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2014 – IN RE: P.K.: Client charged with Child Abuse and Neglect based on Domestic Violence. Petition dismissed.

September 2014

  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. G.W.: Client charged with violating probation. Court ordered probation reinstated.
  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. M.F.: Client charged with felonies involving Insurance Fraud and Attempt Theft. Reduced to misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct and given a fine. No jail or probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. K.T.: Client charged with two felonies involving Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (25 Ecstasy pills) and Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marijuana). Reduced to two misdemeanors and a drug class. No jail or probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. N.B.: Client charged with a total of seven felonies, including six counts of Trafficking in Methamphetamine that involved sale to an undercover police officer. Three charges involved possible life sentences. Reduced to one count of Sale of a Controlled Substance, and the remaining six Trafficking charges were dismissed. Sentenced to probation. No jail.
  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. J.C.: Charged with felony Discharging a Firearm into a Vehicle. Reduced to a gross misdemeanor and sentenced to probation. No jail.
  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. C.M.: Client charged with multiple life sentence offenses including Sex Trafficking of a Child under 14, First Degree Kidnapping, five counts of Sexual Assault Child under 14, six counts of Lewdness with a Child under 14, three counts of Child Abuse, and felony Coercion. Client received probation on a non-sexual offense.
  • SEPTEMBER 2014 – NEVADA V. A.W.: Client was arrested on a Probation Violation. Probation was reinstated.

August 2014

  • AUGUST 2014 – NEVADA V. J.P.: Client was charged with felony Child Abuse and Neglect. Client received a Misdemeanor conviction for Disorderly Conduct. Sentenced to classes. No jail.
  • AUGUST 2014 – NEVADA V. C.P.: Client charged with felony Burglary. Reduced to two misdemeanors with a fine and drug counseling. No jail.
  • AUGUST 2014 –NEVADA V. R.N.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after completion of a drug class and payment of a small fine.
  • AUGUST 2014 – NEVADA V. A.S.: Client was arrested with 17 grams of Cocaine and 10 Ecstasy pills. Both offenses include mandatory prison for Trafficking in a Controlled Substance. Reduced to a gross misdemeanor and probation. No jail.
  • AUGUST 2014 – NEVADA V. C.B.: Client charged with Battery with Strangulation (Felony) and three counts of Battery Domestic Violence. Reduced to two misdemeanors with a fine, community service, and Domestic Violence classes.
  • AUGUST 2014 – CITY V. J.V.: Client charged with Obstructing a Public Officer and Urinating in Public. Charges dismissed after completion of a class and payment of a small fine.
  • AUGUST 2014 – NEVADA V. J.P: Client charged with felony Child Abuse. Reduced to Breach of Peace.

July 2014

  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. B.S.: Client charged with two felonies involving Trafficking in Cocaine and Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after completion of a class and payment of a fine.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. S.N.: Client charged with felonies involving Possession of Personal Identifying Information, Burglary and Forgery. Reduced to misdemeanor Trespass with a fine and a class.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. D.C.: Client charged with felony Possession of Methamphetamine. Case dismissed after payment of a small fine and completion of community service and drug counseling.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. B.C.: Client charged with felony Conspiracy to Sell Cocaine, Sale of a Controlled Substance (Cocaine), two felony counts of Possession with Intent to Sell (Cocaine and Marijuana). Reduced to a gross misdemeanor and given probation.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. J.D.: Client charged with felony Trafficking in Cocaine and Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after diversion.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. E.M.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed after payment of a fine and completion of an online class.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. K.D.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. A.W.: Client charged with two felonies involving Burglary and Forgery, and a gross misdemeanor for Conspiracy to Commit Burglary. Reduced to a misdemeanor with no jail.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. M.W.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving theft of military equipment, including bulletproof vests, magazines and helmets. Given probation with an opportunity to earn a gross misdemeanor if successfully completes probation.
  • JULY 2014 – NEVADA V. K.D.: Client had a Domestic Violence charge that was in warrant for 4 years. Warrant was quashed and all criminal charges were dismissed.

June 2014

  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. M.N.: Client charged with felony Robbery, Conspiracy to Commit Robbery, and Battery on a Police Officer. Felonies dismissed. Reduced to 2 misdemeanors with community service and an online counseling program.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. M.G.: Client charged with possession of multiple firearms, as well as Trafficking in Methamphetamine and Possession of Marijuana and Cocaine with Intent to Sell. Client is an undocumented immigrant. Sentenced to probation. No additional jail or prison time.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. D.G.: Client charged with five felonies involving Residential Burglary, 1st Degree Arson, Grand Larceny Auto, Possession of a Stolen Vehicle, and Possession of Stolen Property. Client had previously been to prison five times involving seven prior felony convictions. Charges reduced to Attempt Theft and given probation.
  • JUNE 2014 – CITY V. M.M.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. Z.J.: Client charged with Battery. Case dismissed after payment of a fine and completion of classes.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. A.J.: Client charged with felony Conspiracy to Commit Robbery, Battery with Intent to Commit Robbery and Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (mandatory prison). Reduced to a gross misdemeanor for Petit Larceny. No jail or prison.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. A.W: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed after payment of a fine and completion of a class.
  • JUNE 2014 – UNITED STATES V. A.A: Client charged in Federal Court with being a Felon in Possession of a Firearm. Filed a motion to suppress the gun and confession pursuant to an illegal search. Court ordered the motion to suppress the gun and statements granted. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. D.S.: Client charged with felony Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (marijuana grow operation). Case dismissed after diversion.
  • JUNE 2014 – NEVADA V. IN RE: S.W.:CPS Child Neglect investigation for a drug exposed infant. No CPS Petition filed and client was not substantiated in the Child Abuse and Neglect Substantiation National Registry.

May 2014

  • MAY 2014 – NEVADA V. K.L.: Client charged with two felonies involving Conspiracy to Commit Robbery and Robbery with the use of a Deadly Weapon. Client was facing mandatory prison. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2014 – NEVADA V. E.B.: Client charged with a gross misdemeanor for Malicious Injury to a Vehicle. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2014 – CITY V. B.B.: Client charged with Possession of Narcotic Paraphernalia. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2014 – CITY V. N.C.: Client charged with Obstructing an Officer. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2014 – NEVADA V. A.S.: Client charged with Petit Larceny. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2014 – NEVADA V. J.H.: Client charged with seven counts of Burglary and one count of Bribery. Client also had two prior felony convictions and eight misdemeanor convictions. Client given probation and the opportunity to reduce to a misdemeanor if successfully completes probation.
  • MAY 2014 – NEVADA V. C.C.: Client charged with felony Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (Ecstasy) for offering to sell multiple ecstasy pills. Case dismissed after forfeiting cash bail, completion of community service and an online drug class.

April 2014

  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. T.B.: Client charged with Loitering for the Purpose of Prostitution. Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. E.C.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. M.R.: Client charged with three felonies and a gross misdemeanor involving Conspiracy, Possession of Stolen Property, Burglary and Grand Larceny. Reduced to misdemeanor Petty Theft, and dismissed after completion of classes/counseling and payment of a fine.
  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. COMPANY: Client charged with felony Failure to Provide Workers Compensation Coverage. Reduced to a misdemeanor with a fine.
  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. D.H.: Client charged with felony Failure to Provide Workers Compensation Coverage. Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. S.K.: Client charged with felony Failure to Provide Workers Compensation Coverage. Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2014 – NEVADA V. M.D.: Client charged with two felonies of Carrying a Concealed Firearm and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm. Felonies were dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor and a fine. No jail or prison.

March 2014

  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. C.C.: Client charged with two felonies and a gross misdemeanor involving Conspiracy to Commit Burglary, Residential Burglary and Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell. Felonies were dismissed. Reduced to 2 misdemeanors with a fine and counseling. No jail or prison.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. H.A.: Client charged with six felonies and one gross misdemeanor involving two counts of Burglary, Conspiracy to Possess Stolen Property, Grand Larceny, Trafficking in Methamphetamine, Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (Marijuana), and Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (Methamphetamine). Reduced to Attempt Theft (felony) and sentenced to probation. Felony conviction to be reduced to a gross misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. V.G.: Client charged with three felonies involving Trafficking in Methamphetamine, Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (Methamphetamine), and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm. Client had multiple drug priors. Reduced to Transporting a Controlled Substance. Sentenced to probation. No jail.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. S.M.: Client charged with two felonies involving Burglary and Attempt Possession of a Controlled Substance. Sentenced to probation and case will be dismissed if client successfully completes probation.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. M.M.: Client charged with five felonies involving Grand Larceny (Auto), Attempt Robbery, Burglary, Battery with Intent to Commit a Crime and Robbery, as well as a Gross Misdemeanor for Malicious Injury to a Vehicle. Sentenced to probation. If successful completion of probation, charges will be reduced to a gross misdemeanor. No jail or prison.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. R.O.: Client charged with a Probation Violation. Probation reinstated.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. J.W.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving Conspiracy to Violate Uniform Controlled Substance Act, Possession of a Controlled Substance with intent to Sell (Marijuana), and Possession of a Controlled Substance involving a marijuana grow operation with over 230 marijuana plants. Court withheld adjudication and allows client to earn a dismissal upon the successful completion of the term of probation.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. D.A.: Client charged with felony Possession of a Stolen Firearm. Case dismissed after the Judge determined my client had no knowledge of the presence of a firearm.
  • MARCH 2014 – NEVADA V. R.J.: Client charged with felony Child Abuse. Reduced to a gross misdemeanor with one day credit for time served and case closed.
  • MARCH 2014 – IN RE: C.Z.: CPS Agency Appeal from allegations of child restraint, sexual and physical abuse. Substantiation was overturned and client's name was removed from the Child Abuse and Neglect Substantiation Registry.

February 2014

  • FEBRUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. V.F.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2014 – CITY V. M.K.: Client charged with Furnishing False Information to a Public Officer. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. A.S.: Client charged with two counts of felony Insurance Fraud, two counts of felony Theft, and four counts of Forgery, as well as a separate case for drawing and passing a bad check. Client received probation on one count, with all other counts and charges dismissed. If she successfully completes probation, charge will be reduced to a gross misdemeanor.

January 2014

  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. R.H.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after payment of fine and completion of counseling.
  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. D.B.: Client charged with two felony counts of Conspiracy to Violate Controlled Substance Act, two counts of Sale of a Controlled Substance (Marijuana), and two counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance with intent to Sell (Marijuana) for multiple sales to an undercover police officer. Reduced to two misdemeanors, fine and a drug class. No jail.
  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. C.E.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. A.L.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. D.P.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence and Coercion. Case dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. P.Y.: Client charged with Attempt Sexual Assault and felony Coercion. Defendant had five prior felony convictions. Reduced to 2 misdemeanors, community service, and counseling.
  • JANUARY 2014 – UNITED STATES V. J.P.: Client charged with Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance (Marijuana) and Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute (a total of approximately 459 pounds of marijuana). Client facing minimum mandatory prison of five years. Court grants a variance and sentences client to time served with supervised release.
  • JANUARY 2014 – NEVADA V. M.H.: Client charged with three counts of Battery with a Deadly Weapon with Substantial Bodily Harm on school property, one count of Robbery with the Use of a Deadly Weapon, as well as various other charges. Client given probation with opportunity to earn a gross misdemeanor if successfully completes probation.

December 2013

  • DECEMBER 2013 – CITY V. C.D.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. R.G.: Client charged with Conspiracy to Commit Robbery and two counts of Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (mandatory prison). Client had 15 prior felony convictions and was eligible for large habitual criminal enhancement. Client released from custody on house arrest and given probation. No prison or jail.
  • DECEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. A.T.: Client charged with felony Battery Domestic Violence with Strangulation. Case dismissed

November 2013

  • NOVEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. J.C.: Client charged with felony possession of Ecstasy (10 pills). Case dismissed after fine and online drug class.
  • NOVEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. J.E.: Client arrested for Possession of Cocaine, Marijuana, and three Ecstasy pills. Case dismissed after payment of fine, online drug class and community service.
  • NOVEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. D.T.: Client charged with 2nd Degree Kidnapping, Burglary, Extortion, Grand Larceny, Theft, Possession of Stolen Property and two counts of felony Possession of Personal Identifying Information. Attorney got client released from custody and sentenced to a term of probation.
  • NOVEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. M.M.: Client charged with felony Possession of a Stolen Vehicle. Case dismissed.

October 2013

  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. E.C.: Client charged with felony Attempted Murder, 2nd Degree Kidnapping and Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. J.C.: Client charged with Trespass. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. A.C.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after payment of fine and completion of counseling.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. M.G.: Client charged with felony Possession of Marijuana. Case dismissed after payment of fine and completion of counseling.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. J.R.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after payment of fine and online drug counseling class.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. D.L.: Client charged with three felonies involving Burglary, Grand Larceny, and Possession of Stolen Property, and one gross misdemeanor charge of Conspiracy to Commit Larceny. Reduced to 2 misdemeanor charges of Possession of Stolen Property. Case closed after payment of a fine and completion of a class.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. K.S.: Client charged with six felony counts of Theft. Case dismissed after payment of a fine and restitution.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. N.M.: Client charged with Armed Robbery involving a firearm. Client released from custody, given probation, and an opportunity to receive a gross misdemeanor if successfully completes probation.
  • OCTOBER 2013 – NEVADA V. D.T.: Client charged with felony Trafficking in Methamphetamine, which requires a mandatory prison term. Reduced to misdemeanor Possession of Dangerous Drugs, payment of a fine, and completion of an online drug class.

September 2013

  • SEPTEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. T.G.: Client charged with 11 felonies, including three counts of Conspiracy to Violate Controlled Substance Act, three counts of Sale of Cocaine, three counts of Trafficking in Cocaine, one Possession with Intent to Sell (Marijuana), and one Possession with Intent to Sell (Cocaine). All felonies dismissed. Convicted of a gross misdemeanor and sentenced to probation.
  • SEPTEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. D.G.: Client charged with two felonies involving Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Sell and Possession of Marijuana. Reduced to two misdemeanors and required to complete a drug class, payment of a fine, and community service. No jail.
  • SEPTEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. C.O.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Dismissed upon forfeiture of $250 cash bail.
  • SEPTEMBER 2013 – CITY V. M.R.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2013 – NEVADA V. A.R.: Client charged with felony Possession of Ecstasy and misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana. Dismissed upon payment of fine and completion of online drug class.

August 2013

  • AUGUST 2013 – NEVADA V. J.L.: Client charged with felony Drawing and Passing Bad Check without Sufficient Funds and Intent to Defraud. Case dismissed upon payment of restitution.
  • AUGUST 2013 – CITY V. M.M.: Represented client in two cases: Case #1: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence; Case #2: Charged with False Reporting of a Crime and Attempt Malicious Prosecution. Charges were dismissed in both cases.

July 2013

  • JULY 2013 – NEVADA V. E.Y.: Charged with felony Possession of a Controlled Substance (Cocaine). Case dismissed upon forfeiture of $1,000 cash bail.
  • JULY 2013 – NEVADA V. B.G.: Client charged with felony Cheating at Gambling. Case dismissed upon completion of online Petit Larceny class and forfeiture of $255 cash bail.
  • JULY 2013 – NEVADA V. K.S.: Charged with felony Battery Domestic Violence Strangulation and misdemeanor Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JULY 2013 – NEVADA V. A.T..: Client charged with felony Conspiracy to Violate Controlled Substance Act and Possession of Marijuana. Reduced to misdemeanor Possession of Marijuana with a fine and online drug class. No jail.
  • JULY 2013 – NEVDADA V. J.W.: Charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed after forfeiture of $305 cash bail.

June 2013

  • JUNE 2013 – CITY V. M.C.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2013 – NEVADA V. B.M.: Client charged with two counts of felony Burglary. Reduced to Petit Larceny with a fine of $250, online Petit Larceny class and restitution. No jail.

May 2013

  • MAY 2013 – NEVADA V. D.T.: Client charged with four counts of Lewdness with a Child Under 14 and one count of Sexual Assault with a Minor Under 14, all involving life sentences. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2013 – NEVADA V. B.J.: Client charged with felony Burglary, Forgery and Theft. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2013 – NEVADA V. Z.R.: Client charged with felony Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell (Marijuana) and Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marijuana). Case dismissed after completion of an online drug class, payment of a fine and community service.
  • MAY 2013 – NEVADAV. B.H.: Client charged with Domestic Violence Strangulation and Damaging a Vehicle. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2013 – NEVADA V. T.J.: Client charged with felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.

April 2013

  • APRIL 2013 – NEVADA V. D.B.: Client charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder, four counts of Attempted Murder with a Deadly Weapon with Gang Enhancement, two counts of Battery with a Deadly Weapon with Substantial Bodily Harm with Gang Enhancement, two counts of Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Gang Enhancement, and two counts of Discharging a Firearm at a Structure with Gang Enhancement. Client had prior felony conviction. All felonies dismissed. Client pled to a misdemeanor and sentenced to credit for time served.
  • APRIL 2013 – NEVADA V. S.M.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2013 – NEVADA V. A.M.: Client charged with felony Battery with Strangulation. Case dismissed after diversion.
  • APRIL 2013 – NEVADA V. R.R.: Client charged with 12 felony counts of Forgery. Reduced to one misdemeanor and a $250 fine. No jail and all felonies were dismissed. Case Closed.
  • APRIL 2013 – NEVADA V. M.F.: Client charged with stabbing a roommate with a knife resulting in a felony charge of Battery with the Use of a Deadly Weapon. Felony was dismissed. Reduced to misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct and given credit for time served. No jail or prison.
  • APRIL 2013 – NEVADA V. M.W.: Client charged with Battery with a Deadly Weapon with Substantial Bodily Harm (Felony), for shooting his girlfriend. Charge reduced to misdemeanor Battery Domestic Violence with classes, community service and a fine. No jail or prison.

March 2013

  • MARCH 2013 – NEVADA V. N.J.: Client charged with two felony counts of Possession of Methamphetamine. Client had drug prior and probation violation from another jurisdiction. Reduced to one misdemeanor and closed after payment of a fine and completion of counseling. No jail or prison.
  • MARCH 2013 – NEVADA V. K.H.: Client charged with felony Mid-Level Trafficking in Methamphetamine (mandatory 2-15 years in prison) with prior drug felony conviction. Client sentenced to probation. No prison.
  • MARCH 2013 – NEVADA V. I.D.: Client charged with felony Residential Burglary and Conspiracy to Commit Burglary (gross misdemeanor). Convicted of a gross misdemeanor only and given probation.
  • MARCH 2013 – NEVADA V. P.H.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving Burglary, Arson, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Bomb Threat, and Battery Domestic Violence (3rd offense). Client had seven Battery Domestic Violence convictions, had been to jail 15 times and prison once. Sentenced to probation and counseling ordered.
  • MARCH 2013 – NEVADA V. J.R.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving two counts of 2nd Degree Kidnap with a Deadly Weapon, Coercion-Force, and Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.
  • MARCH 2013 – NEVADA V. S.H.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed after completion of minimal requirements.

February 2013

  • FEBRUARY 2013 –NEVADA V. B.B.: Client charged with two separate cases involving Indecent Exposure (gross misdemeanor) and Trespass. Sentenced to counseling and forfeiture of cash bail. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed after completion of a class and payment of a fine.
  • FEBRUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. J.C.: Client had two cases: Case #1 – Charged with Battery. Case dismissed; Case #2 – Charged with felony Fraudulent use of a Credit/Debit card and felony Theft. Case was dismissed upon completion of community service and payment of a fine.

January 2013

  • JANUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. M.H.: Client charged with a gross misdemeanor Battery on a Protected Person. Case dismissed after completion of requirements.
  • JANUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. T.O.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed with minimal requirements.
  • JANUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. M.M.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after payment of a fine, completion of classes, and community service.
  • JANUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. B.Y.: Client charged with felony Possession of Methamphetamine. Case dismissed after payment of a fine and completion of counseling.
  • JANUARY 2013 – NEVADA V. IN RE: C.Z.: CPS allegations of physical abuse, sexual abuse and confinement. Petition dismissed.

December 2012

  • DECEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. M.D.: Client charged with felony Grand Larceny and Conspiracy to Commit Larceny (gross misdemeanor). Reduced to misdemeanor Petit Larceny and case closed after payment of a fine.
  • DECEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. A.W.: Client charged with two misdemeanors involving Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Stolen Property. Case dismissed.
  • DECEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. T.M.: Client charged with two felonies involving Assault with a Deadly Weapon and 1st Degree Kidnap, as well as Unlawful Taking of a Vehicle (Gross Misdemeanor). Case dismissed.

November 2012

  • NOVEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. T.B.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Reduced to Trespass and case closed.
  • NOVEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. E.H.: Client charged with felony Child Abuse and Neglect. Case dismissed after completion of parenting class.
  • NOVEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. J.K.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Reduced to Trespass and case closed.
  • NOVEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. I.N.: Client charged with felony offenses of Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Sell, Possession of Marijuana, and Prohibited Person in Possession of a Firearm. Client had a marijuana grow operation involving 66 plants. Case dismissed after completion of probation.
  • NOVEMBER/MAY 2012 – NEVADA V. J.E.: Client arrested for Assault with a Deadly Weapon and First Degree Kidnap with a Deadly Weapon, and a separate case of Possession of Dangerous Drugs without a Prescription. Client was released on the above charges. An investigation, revealed client had a substantial medical condition contributing to the kidnapping event. This information was shared with the District Attorney, who after reviewing information decided not to file any charges.
  • NOVEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. J.R.: Client charged with multiple felonies including Conspiracy to Violate Controlled Substance Act, Trafficking in Methamphetamine (mid-level requiring a two-year minimum mandatory prison sentence), and Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Sell. All felonies were dismissed. Reduced to a misdemeanor and client given credit for time served.

October 2012

  • OCTOBER 2012 – NEVADA V. N.C.: Client charged with Possession of Marijuana. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2012 – NEVADA V. M.G.: Client charged with Petit Larceny. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2012 – NEVADA V. J.M.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after completion of counseling and payment of a fine.
  • OCTOBER 2012 – NEVADA V. J.M.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving Burglary, Grand Larceny, Possession of Stolen Property, and Possession of Cocaine. Reduced to a misdemeanor and given credit for time served. No jail.
  • OCTOBER 2012 – NEVADA V. N.I.: Client charged with misdemeanor Petit Larceny. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2012 – NEVADA V. T.W.: Client charged with two felonies involving Battery with a Deadly Weapon and Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.

September 2012

  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. N.D.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. D.K.: Client charged with Residential Burglary. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. S.R.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Dismissed after payment of a fine and an online AIDS class.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. C.S.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after completion of a drug class and community service.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. S.C.: Client charged with Petit Larceny. Dismissed after completion of a Petit Larceny program and payment of a small fine.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. C.H.: Client charged with two felonies involving Battery with Intent to Commit Robbery and Robbery. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. R.M.: Client charged with two felonies involving Battery with a Deadly Weapon and Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • SEPTEMBER 2012 – NEVADA V. IN RE: K.B.: CPS Petition alleging sexual abuse by the step-father was dismissed at trial.

August 2012

  • AUGUST 2012 – NEVADA V. T.S.: Juvenile client charged with felony Damage to School Property. Case dismissed after payment of restitution.
  • AUGUST 2012 – NEVADA V. R.Y.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after payment of a fine and online counseling.

July 2012

  • JULY 2012 – NEVADA V. T.C.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JULY 2012 – NEVADA V. P.E.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JULY 2012 – NEVADA V. A.M.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine and Ecstasy. Case dismissed after completion of an online drug class and payment of a fine.

June 2012

  • JUNE 2012 – NEVADA V. T.M.: Client charged with Obstructing a Police Officer and False Information to a Police Officer. Dismissed after payment of a fine.
  • JUNE 2012 – NEVADA V. T.R.: Client charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Sell and two counts of Acquiring a Controlled Substance by Fraud. Client had prior felony convictions and had been to prison. Reduced to misdemeanor Possession of Dangerous Drugs. No jail.
  • JUNE 2012 – NEVADA V. K.S.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Dismissed after completion of an AIDS class and forfeiture of $500 cash bail.
  • JUNE 2012 – NEVADA V. A.A.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2012 – NEVADA V. D.P.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JUNE 2012 – NEVADA V. P.F.: Client charged in two cases with a total of 12 counts of Trafficking, Sale, and Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Sell involving the sale of Methamphetamine on multiple occasions to an undercover police officer. Trafficking charges were dismissed. Client was sentenced to a term of probation.

May 2012

  • MAY 2012 – NEVADA V. T.B.: Client charged with felonies involving Possession of Marijuana and Transporting a Controlled Substance (Marijuana). Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2012 – NEVADA V. R.G.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.

April 2012

  • ARIL 2012 – NEVADA V. A.W.: Client had multiple cases, including Robbery, Burglary, and Possession of a Controlled Substance (Heroin). Robbery case was reduced to a gross misdemeanor and client was sentenced to probation. Possession of Heroin case dismissed.
  • ARIL 2012 – NEVADA V. K.N.: Client charged with Soliciting Prostitution. Case dismissed after completion of a class and payment of a fine.

March 2012

  • MARCH 2012 – NEVADA V. J.C.: Client charged with felony Child Abuse and Battery Domestic Violence. Felony was dismissed and reduced to misdemeanor Battery. Client ordered to pay a fine and complete community service. No jail.
  • MARCH 2012 – NEVADA V. M.C.: Client charged with Murder with Use of a Deadly Weapon and Conspiracy to Commit Murder. Client had 10 prior felony convictions and was serving a four-year prison sentence in California. Murder charge was dismissed. Client plead to Conspiracy to Commit Murder and was sentenced to a minimum of three years in prison with time running concurrent to his four-year prison sentence in California.

February 2012

  • FEBRUARY 2012 – CITY V. R.S.: Client charged with Prostitution related activity. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2012 – NEVADA V. I.C.: Juvenile client charged with 39 counts of various offenses involving Property Damage. Case dismissed after payment of restitution.
  • FEBRUARY 2012 – NEVADA V. J.V.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • FEBRUARY 2012 – NEVADA V. C.F.: Client charged with three felonies involving Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Battery with the use of a Deadly Weapon, and Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.

January 2012

  • JANUARY 2012 – NEVADA V. A.J.: Client charged with felony Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • JANUARY 2012 – NEVADA V. R.G.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.

December 2011

  • DECEMBER 2011 – CITY V. J.T.: Client charged with a Probation Violation. Probation was reinstated. No jail.
  • DECEMBER 2011 – NEVADA V. J.G.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.

November 2011

  • NOVEMBER 2011 – CITY V. R.B.: Client charged with Operating a Business without a License. Case dismissed after full payment of restitution.

October 2011

  • OCTOBER 2011 – NEVADA V. J.V.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • OCTOBER 2011 – NEVADA V. P.S.: Client charged with three felonies involving two counts of Burglary and Attempt Grand Larceny, as well as two gross misdemeanors involving Conspiracy to Commit a Crime and Unlawful Possession of Burglary Tools, and one misdemeanor Petit Larceny charge. Felonies dismissed and case reduced to Petit Larceny with no jail or prison.

September 2011

  • SEPTEMBER 2011 – UNITED STATES V. A.V.: Client charged with Possession of Methamphetamine with Intent to Distribute and Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance, involving the sale of nearly 2 kilograms of Methamphetamine to an undercover officer (mandatory prison sentence). Reduced to a non-drug offense and sentenced to credit for time served.

August 2011

  • AUGUST 2011 – NEVADA V. M.S.: Client charged with felony Possession of Cocaine. Case dismissed after forfeiture of $750 cash bail.
  • AUGUST 2011 – NEVADA V. P.C.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon, Assault with a Deadly Weapon (knife), and Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.
  • AUGUST 2011 – NEVADA V. D.C.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon. Case dismissed.

July 2011

  • JULY 2011 – NEVADA V. C.L.: Juvenile client charged with two felonies involving Battery with Strangulation and Battery with Substantial Bodily Harm. Reduced to a gross misdemeanor and sentenced to probation.

June 2011

  • JUNE 2011 – NEVADA V. G.C.: Juvenile client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon for stabbing a child in the neck. Reduced to misdemeanor Battery and sentenced to probation.
  • JUNE 2011 – NEVADA V. J.A.: Client charged with two counts of felony Battery Domestic Violence (3rd Offense). Case dismissed.

May 2011

  • MAY 2011 – NEVADA V. D.D.: Client charged with multiple felonies involving Burglary with a Deadly Weapon, Home Invasion with a Deadly Weapon, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, 1ST Degree Kidnapping with a Deadly Weapon, and Battery with Strangulation. Case dismissed.
  • MAY 2011 – NEVADA V. A.S.: Client charged with felonies involving Trafficking in Cocaine (Mid-Level requires a minimum mandatory two-year prison sentence), Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Sell, and Conspiracy to Violate the Uniform Controlled Substance Act. Reduced to a misdemeanor Possession of Drug charge, client given credit for time served, and case closed.
  • MAY 2011 – NEVADA V. M.J.: Client charged with Battery Domestic Violence. Client found not guilty after a trial.

April 2011

  • APRIL 2011 – NEVADA V. B.A.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon (involved use of a knife in a stabbing). Case dismissed.
  • APRIL 2011 – NEVADA V. A.B.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon (involved use of a knife in a stabbing) and Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.

March 2011

  • MARCH 2011 – NEVADA V. B.K.: Client charged with felony Battery with a Deadly Weapon and Battery Domestic Violence. Case dismissed.

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