A code enforcement officer from Clark County, Nevada was arrested recently on prostitution related charges. Many people who visit Las Vegas have the misconception that prostitution is legal everywhere in Nevada. In fact, prostitution is not legal in the vast majority of Nevada. Prostitution is illegal in all of Clark County, Nevada - including the City of Las Vegas.
In Las Vegas, Prostitution is defined broadly and includes soliciting, offering or agreeing to engage in sexual contact for money. A conviction for a prostitution-related offense can have long lasting consequences. In addition to carrying a potential jail term of up to six (6) months and substantial fines, a conviction for prostitution related charges can negatively affect educational and employment opportunities. Furthermore, many of the females who advertise themselves on-line and in magazines are under eighteen (18) years old. Soliciting a minor for sex is a felony and is considered a "Human Trafficking" offense.
If you or someone you know has been cited or arrested for a prostitution-related offense, it is important that you contact a Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney right away. The Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorneys at Brown Law Offices can assist you in analyzing the facts of your case, identifying applicable defenses and developing the most aggressive legal strategy possible to protect your legal rights.